WTG Backfeed Concetps

WTG Backfeed Concetps

During abnormal operational conditions of an offshore wind farm, WTG backfeed concepts are needed in situations where grid for the WTGs is not available. Such operational conditions may occur both during the construction and the operation phases of the wind farm, but the backfeed concept should be considered as early as possible in the project planning and design phases. 

Backfeed concepts are about providing power to the WTGs in situations with no grid. Power to WTGs installed offshore is important in order to protect vital parts, component systems and conditions of the WTG (e.g. mechanical, electrical, humidity, nav lights etc.) until grid is available and the WTG can start production. 

WTG backfeed concepts can be either local stand-alone solutions or integrated solutions, designed into the transmission system, neighboring wind farms, substations or the WTG itself.

WTG suppliers often have high requirements for grid availability in order to make sure that WTG components and systems are operated within the turbines’ designed operational conditions and in order to protect the WTG warranty.

Planning of the wind farm’s backfeed concept requires the integration of many different disciplines such as design, engineering, procurement, lead time, installation, commissioning, logistic maintenance etc.

A well-planned backfeed concept may prove your wind farm’s best mitigation plan against unexpected grid outage, loss of WTG warranty, high costs of the backfeed system itself, and increased WTG maintenance costs.

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